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Obsolete Industrial
Maintenance Tech App

Basic Troubleshooting

Obsolete Industrial, also known as OI, is a directory of industrial parts suppliers. We are a technology based business. The website was launched in 2008. Decades of maintenance experience provided enough evidence that obsolete industrial parts continually made life difficult in the industrial environment. OI provides a collection of basic troubleshooting guides for some of the more common components from the shop floor.

industrial troubleshootingOur team consists of industrial maintenance technicians with a variety of electrical and mechanical backgrounds.

We have been repairing, replacing, and upgrading industrial controls and equipment for over twenty years. The basic troubleshooting guides were written as a service to fellow technicians.

We are a technology based organization. All parts and information contained on the site have been contributed by a community of industrialists. We do not warehouse parts and components, but provide a means for perspective buyers and sellers to achieve their goals. The troubleshooting guides are simply another one of those beneficial services.

Through a series of how-to articles along with basic theory and work experience, we have produced a system of methodical troubleshooting. To some experienced maintenance personnel, these troubleshooting guides may be simplistic, but to others, they may provide insight to an otherwise cloudy situation. We encourage you to use the information contained at Obsolete Industrial to your advantage.

OI is user supported. When you buy through our site, we may earn a small affiliate commission, our full disclosure is here.

Our maintenance forum is jam packed with troubleshooting questions and answer, historical data, and general conversation on almost any topic . Forums are broken down into the maintenance saloon, troubleshooting 101, electrical and electronics, mechanical issues, and the classified ads.SMF file version (2.1.2) does not match SMF database version (2.1.4).
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Basic Troubleshooting Guides

Remember, these are basic troubleshooting guides for a novice technician. They combine the most basic trouble-finding steps with common sense and a few workplace tricks. Enjoy ...

See also: Electrical Components | Mechanical Components | Motor Control Components | Positioning Components

What We Do at OI...

News and Classifieds

We also offer free industrial classified ad system compete with a category designed for want ads. We strongly encourage those with individual parts for sale to list them as ad creation takes only a few minutes and is free of charge. Those requiring an odd part or obsolete industrial component can place a want ad just as easily, again, with no charge or fee. The OI ad system is at your disposal. Place want ads here, list your individual parts here, or post a listing for your company here.

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