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A balancing device for crushers, fans, mulchers, augers on combines, shafts, cen

Started by JamesWek, September 02, 2024, 10:51:PM

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 Balanset-1A is a practical and compact device for balancing and vibration analysis of various rotors. If your equipment includes crushers, fans, mulchers, centrifuges, or other rotating mechanisms, you will find this device essential. 
 What It Can Do: 
 Vibrometry Mode: 
 Tachometer: Measures rotation speed with high precision. 
 Phase: Helps determine rotor position for precise balancing. 
 1x Vibration: Shows the primary vibration frequency. 
 FFT Spectrum: Displays a full spectrum of vibration frequencies. 
 Overall Vibration: Displays the total vibration level. 
 Measurement Log: Records data for post-measurement analysis. 
 Balance Mode: 
 Single-Plane Balancing: Performs rotor balancing in one plane. 
 Two-Plane Balancing: Balances rotors in two planes when needed. 
 Polar Diagram: Visualizes the exact location for balancing weights. 
 Session Recovery: Picks up where the previous session ended. 
 Tolerance Calculator: Calculates allowable imbalance following ISO 1940. 
 Grinding Wheel Balancing: Helps align grinding wheels with precision. 
 Overall Charts: Shows how the whole system behaves. 
 1x Graphs: Represents the vibration at the main frequency. 
 Harmonic Graphs: Analyzes the impact of additional frequencies. 
 Spectral Graphs: Displays the full frequency spectrum. 
 Additional Features: 
 Archive: Saves past sessions for future reference. 
 Reports: Generate detailed reports of results. 
 Rebalancing: Simplifies repeating the balancing process. 
 Serial Production: Perfect for large-scale balancing. 
 Package Contents: 
 Measurement Block: Central unit for all measurements. 
 Two Vibration Sensors: Precise measurement tools. 
 Laser Tachometer: Magnetically mounted optical tachometer. 
 Digital Scales: For measuring weights accurately. 
 Software: Note: Laptop not included. 
 Transport Case: Hard plastic case for protection. 
 Why It's the Best Choice: 
 Balanset-1A is simple to use, budget-friendly, and highly functional, making it ideal for balancing tasks in workshops and production settings. 
 Cost: 1999 $. 
 This tool is designed for ease of use, making it perfect for small shops as well as major manufacturing plants. 
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